
इसार्इ लिम्बू साहित्य संघ नेपालकाे २५ अाैं वर्ष महाेत्सव २०७४ माघ ३१ गतेका दिन सम्पन्न भयाे। महाेत्सवमा इल्लाका संस्थापक, सन्चालक समिति र सम्पूर्ण सेवकहरूलार्इ प्रसंशा-पत्रले सम्मान गरिएकाे थियो।

सम्पूर्णमा हाम्रो वेवपेजमा स्वागत गर्दछाैं। 


सबै राष्ट्रका मानिसहरूकहाँ जानुहोस् ...म्याट। २८:१९-२०




I am an ex-army living in Taplejung, Fungling. I did not believe any priest, religion scriptures and traditional view. But accidently, I was caught by a danger disease. I went to hospital for treatment but doctor was unable to cure. Finally, I accepted Christ and now I am getting relief slowly. -Lal Bd. Limbu



8th Convention in Siliguri

More than 600 people where participated in 8th International Christian Limbu Holy Convention. Participants where from Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Manipur, Nagaland, Bhutan, Hong Kong and Thailang.

ILLA Nepal

Itahari Sunsari Nepal

Post Box no. 119

Website:  www.illanepal.com
Phone no. 025-583159